Here is how much you will have to pay to travel on Malir Expressway
Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah has indicated that the first section of the Malir Expressway is expected to open for public use on January 11 or 12. TheGarbage dumping fine comes under fire
The Sindh Solid Waste Management Board (SSWMB) and the Karachi Municipal Corporation (KMC) have started a joint action against vendors and citizens who throw garbage on the road instead ofWhy Karachi Thirsts for Water
“The present water supply of Karachi, like that of many Eastern Cities, is insufficient. It has a capacity of only 11 to 15 million gallons per day, whereas the water demand forBeyond the walls: women and the public spaces
Beyond the confines of the four walls of the home, women are fiercely reclaiming the City. This is evident in their increasing presence at bus stops on Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi, theirMobility woes
SARA — not her real name — is a single mother of three who works as domestic help in three houses — a kilometre apart — in Gulshan-i-Iqbal, Karachi. ShePorous loans
“Rags make paper/ paper makes money/ Money makes banks/ Banks make loans/ Loans make beggars/ Beggars make rags” — an 18th-century poem, when paper was made from rags, not trees.